- Canvas: depending on their size and year, their prices go between 150€ and 1500€
- Photography: I sell two copies of each archive and I keep one. Depending on the type of printing paper and the size the price goes between 100€ and 800€
- Cardboards: between 100€ and 500€, price without setting up.
- Woods: between 200€ y 700€
- Art-Facts: The ones that are for selling have a price between 100€ and 300€
Historia de un naufragio
asutod 2018-03-12T15:08:47+02:00 Categories: 2017, For Sale, Marine Woods|
Infancia en el mar
asutod 2018-03-12T15:06:17+02:00 Categories: 2017, For Sale, Marine Woods|
Caída libre
Adela Rodriguez 2017-08-08T17:06:46+02:00 Categories: 2017, Artwork, For Sale, Photography|
Perdiendo la forma
Adela Rodriguez 2017-08-08T16:49:42+02:00 Categories: 2017, Artwork, For Sale, Photography|
Helado tulipán
Adela Rodriguez 2017-08-08T16:34:50+02:00 Categories: 2017, Artwork, For Sale, Photography|
asutod 2017-08-07T13:26:28+02:00 Categories: 2015, Artwork, For Sale, Photography|
Edelsteinen (I)
asutod 2017-08-07T13:29:03+02:00 Categories: 2015, Artwork, For Sale, Photography|
Die Kartause von Parma
asutod 2018-02-09T20:31:53+02:00 Categories: 2015, Artwork, For Sale, Photography|